Sunday, May 29, 2011

Want 17 inch dolls now!!

I was at Con this weekend and a dealer had some 17 inch Irwin Dolls Mars and Mercury. Well I fell in love with them. But I wasn't about to pay what they wanted considering the box wasn't in good condition. I don't like damaged boxes for my dolls that I collect. Plus she wouldn't go down. So now on my wish list is the 17 inch dolls. I think I like the blue box ones more because their outfit look more colorful!

As you can see it is a difference in them besides the color of the box.
So that my short segment today! I will be on the  lookout also if want to sell them to me!! I would want!! lol

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Items on my wishlist!

My DVD Wishlist!
Sailor Moon Season 1 Adv Boxset

Season 2 ADV Boxset

Season Super Boxset
 Season Super S I acutally only need volume 4 & 5 Also I would love the box to go with it!! lol

 I would love to have all the movies with the dream set box.

Would also love all the Japanese dvds volumes and boxset. The only Japanese dvds I have is two of the movies. All in R2. Also want to collect the Musicals in Japanese on dvds one day!

The dub dvds believe it or not cost more than the regular english dvds! Weird huh!! I would like to have them one day though!
Well that's all for today! 
Leave comments and let me know what's on your wish list!

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Items I just brought!!

I shouldn't have but I did!! lol
I brought two tuxedo mask items!The first is a doll I have wanted so long!
He is an Italian Doll They call him Milord!
 My husband thinks he hair is so funny! I love it. It's so cute!! lol
I paid $50 which is the most I have ever spent on a doll. He hasn't come in yet when he does I'll post more pics. First time I had ever seen him come up on ebay!
Next I brought a book of Tuxedo Mask! I shouldn't have but it was one I don't have. Paid $4 altogether with shipping!
When it comes in I'll take some pics of the inside!
So spent money I shouldn't have. Got to not buy anything else before the Con.
I going to Raleigh Con at the end of the Month. Can't wait!
I know I will spend more money than I have!! lol
That's all for today!! Later!